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The Art of Developing Spiritual Intelligence
Kindly Light: A Saint Cardinal Newman Prayer Book
Syriac Christian Theological Expositions
Science-Catholicism Interfacing: Some new Perspectives
The Stunned Populace- Religio-Political Manoeuvres in India
The Temple Section in Mark (MK 11-12)
Quest for Interiority
Hominisation and the Kingdom of God: A Study on E. Schillebeeckx and M.M. Thomas
Ascend to Holiness: Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Thomas Kalayil, CMI
History of Christianity in India, Volume I
History of Christianity in India, Volume II
History of Christianity in India, Volume III
History of Christianity in India, Volume IV part 2
History of Christianity in India, Volume V part 5
History of Christianity in India, Volume V part 2
India's Christian Heritage
History and Beyond
I am Black, But Beautiful: A Thematic, Literary, and Intertextual Reading of the
Marriage: Doctrine and Jurisprudence
Kenotic Spirituality of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara
Renewing the Church in India: Joseph Cardinal Parecattil’s Vision
Anonymous Christians
Intertextual and Intratextual Readings of the Gospel of Matthew
Father and Doctor of the Church
Towards a Synodal Church- Moving Forward Vol. I
Peeping into Heaven
Joachim Schmiedl: Pioneer of the Lay Apostolate and the Advocate of the Stranded
Kuriakose Elias Chavara and the Educational Renaissance
Kuriakose Elias Chavara the Pioneer of Social and Ecclesial Reform
Chinthayum Keerthanavum
Śabdādvaita Philosophy of Bhartṛhari
The Creed and the Christian Life
Spirituality in Family Counselling and Psychotherapy: An Evidence Based Approach
New Horizons in Theology: Ecclesiology - Ecumenism - Inter-religious Dialogue
Mathaavinte Sahanavazhi
Dialogue and Solidarity : A Religio-Subaltern Perspective
Indian Churches: Unity in Diversity
Searching for Meaning in the Face of Death
A Compendium of Revised Norms of Corpus Iuris Canonici
Hermeneutics of Vatican II
Ministry in the Church: Cultic or Prophetic