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Messianic Rejection and Matthean Redaction
Rishikesh and Beyond : Theology in Inter-Religious Context
Spirituality of Human Brokenness
Towards a Global Vision of Catholic Moral Theology
God Talk Contemporary Trends and Trials
The Mystery of the Eucharuist
Theology of the Church : New Horizons
Concerns of Women : An Indian Theological Response
Theology in India: Essays on Christ, Church and Euchrist
Indian Spirituality: Hindu Spiritual tradition
Bible Patanasahayi
Buddhist Challenges to Christianity
Foundational Perspectives in the New Testament
Recent Theological Debates in Europe
Society and Church : Challenges to Theologizing in India Today
The Mass : A Study of Belief and Practice in their Cultural Contexts
Christian Commitment to Nation Building
Divine Liturgy in the Vision of Narsai
Indian Christians Search for Identity & Struggle for Autonomy