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A Theological Reading of the Life and Writings of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara

Father and Doctor of the Church: A Theological Reading of the Life and Writingsof Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara makes an unbiased examination of the lifeand contributions of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara who lived in 19th Centuryin the State of Kerala and presents a compelling case to raise him to thestatus of a Father and Doctor of the Church. The arguments put forward forthe case are convincing and they make a strong theological ground for thedeclaration of Chavara the Doctor of the Universal Church. The contents ofthis book explore the treasures of the Church, notion of God, Christ, thesacraments, and the great theological and spiritual traditions. Each era hashad intelligent and passionate bearers of the Sacred Mystery who weregranted the privilege of participating in the sublime mission of God. The lifeof Saint Chavara, as depicted in this book, is especially welcome in our timesand will continue to inspire in the time to come. In a culture tempted todevalue the holy and the Divine, we see a Saint who exhausted himselfembracing the timeless spiritual values. For those who think that a rejectionof traditional faith is essential for a liberated life of fulfilment, we have here,a powerful saint, who believed that humility and obedience are the keys tohappiness and success. He lived it. He invites us to live it!

Father and Doctor of the Church

SKU: 568
₹300.00 Regular Price
₹195.00Sale Price
  • Benny Thettayil CMI
    Naiju Jose Kalambukattu CMI

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